
Colette Aboulker Muscat

Photo Gallery - Part II

The following photos were mostly provided thru the generosity of Mrs. Dina Cohen. Initially photos are posted in almost random order. More photos will be posted shortly. The objective is to solicit descriptive information, name of photographer, date taken, and general comments - for posting next to photos in the near future.

Click for prior page of photos

Colette and who Colette and Mr. Muscat Martin Farren and
Joan Benjamin-Farren
Colette at 70 Who Key from Egypt
Colette's Father Colette's Mother Colette
Colette's Second Husband:
Mr. Muscat
Painting Painting 13 Painting
Painting Painting Painting
Painting Painting Painting
Who Who Who
Who Who Who
What Colette and Who  

Additional photos would be appreciated and sent to either lpfeffer@actcom.co.il or by mail to Larry Pfeffer, POB 23718 Jerusalem 91236 Israel. 

Please don't send original irreplaceable photos - only duplicate photos or good quality color photocopies.

Thank you.

Click for prior page of photos

Jun 19, 2005 (Last update Jan 31, 2005)